Contract Allows Illegal Behavior for Teachers
Tolerance for me, but not for Thee. Every parent knows how quick teens are to spot hypocrisy.
When teacher union officials insist they are “for the kids,” then turn around and negotiate such rules into a bargaining contract, it makes one wonder what they were thinking when they negotiated the terms for this contract. What is perhaps more shocking, however, is the school board’s allowing the clause to remain in the contract. It makes one wonder what they were on when they approved it.
Is there any sanction in Michigan law for allowing illegal activity to be written into contracts? It appears not.
Out of Michigan, with mandatory and compulsory monopoly bargaining and representation for teachers, comes one of the most egregious stories about teacher union contracts. Ten years ago, Michigan had one of the highest rates of compulsory unionism in the country, topped only by New York, Hawaii and Minnesota, with 95% of school districts forcing teachers to join or support the union. And here is an example of what teachers and taxpayers are paying for:
The Bay City, MI, school district monopoly bargaining contract allows teachers to possess or be under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol numerous times before getting fired. Being caught in public under such circumstances would surely lead to arrest – the first time around.
Tom Cantert of Michigan Capitol Confidential, tells the story:
Teachers in possession or under the influence of illegal drugs could be caught three times before they lost their job, and they got five strikes if they were drunk on school grounds before being fired. A school district official said the language in the union contract that protects teachers for those instances “was incorporated into the teacher Master Agreement in 1997.”
Students weren’t given as many chances. The code of conduct for middle school and high school students states that if they are found to be under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs, they get a 5-day suspension or a 3-day suspension with counseling on the first offense.
A teacher caught selling drugs in class would get a 3-day suspension without pay with mandatory counseling, but wouldn’t be fired unless the teacher did it a second time.
If that is not enough to send you reeling backwards, District Superintendent Doug Newcombe denies the provision means anything, but also refused to discuss ongoing negotiations for a new contract, including whether the clause will remain in the contract. Bay City taxpayers and concerned citizens, be aware!