California State Senator Can Use Dues Dollars for Criminal Defense
Mike Antonucci began reporting on this story involving California State Senator Leland Yee in late March, 2014. Apparently he was endorsed by and received campaign contributions from several education unions in California. The real shame is that California teachers were forced to pay dues for this support, but will receive nothing in return. To add insult to injury, it appears the dues money may be used for a legal defense fund for his alleged crimes.
The Capitol here in Sacramento was rocked by the news that State Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) was indicted on arms trafficking and corruption charges after a lengthy sting operation by the FBI.
The wall-to-wall news coverage naturally focuses on the illegal arms deals and the murder-for-hire charges against Yee’s campaign fundraiser, Keith Jackson. But there are broader implications about the way Yee did business as a legislator.