Union Boss Pay and Forced Dues

The Executive Director of the Ohio Association of Public School Employees’ salary is paid not only by teachers, but taxpayers and other public employees.  This is not unusual.  Neither is the fact that many of these employees have been forced to join or support the OAPSE, and consequently, Rugola’s lavish salary, which is far higher than most of the workers he is paid to represent.  What makes matters worse, Rugola also was at the forefront in efforts to keep a Right To Work law from being passed inhttp://ceafu.org/wp-admin/edit.php Ohio.  Jason Hart has the story on watchdog.org.

Rugola, executive director of the Ohio Association of Public School Employees, received a gross salary of $204,860 plus $54,013 in “official disbursements” in 2014, according to the union’s annual report to the U.S. Department of Labor.

OAPSE is one of the largest unions in the state, and Rugola has been executive director since 1988. Rugola is recognized as an influential voice in the Ohio Democratic Party, and is a former president of union coalition Ohio AFL-CIO.

The union had 30,470 members as of Dec. 31, 2014, and took 2 percent of each member’s wages up to a yearly maximum of $488.20. OAPSE also took mandatory fees from 2,763 nonmembers.