“Single Most Destructive Force’
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, also a 2016 presidential candidate, echoes the powerful sentiment of teachers forced to pay dues to teacher unions for decades. The editorial appears in the Wall Street Journal.
You don’t have to be a “progressive” to conclude that once in a while America makes political progress, and not always toward the left. One sign of real progress in recent years is the growing consensus that teachers unions are the main obstacle to improvement in American public schools.
That was apparent Sunday during an interview on CNN. Host Jake Tapper played to the media stereotype of GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie by asking the New Jersey Governor a question about who “at the national level deserves a punch in the face?” Mr. Christie could have been forgiven for saying Mr. Tapper. But he had a better answer: “Oh, the national teachers union, who has already endorsed Hillary Clinton 16, 17 months before the election.”Mr. Tapper: “Why?”