Teachers Forced to Support Many Noneducational Issues
It will come as no surprise to teachers who pay forced dues that they are supporting many non-educational issues, particularly ones they may not agree with on a moral or ethical basis.
While the (National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, of which CEAFU is a Special Project) Foundation-won Abood case allows these teachers to opt out of paying for political issues, there is no stopping teacher union officials from not classifying certain activities as political. Connor D. Wolf has the story in the Daily Caller Online and the teacher union officials’ sly work-around.
California nonunion teachers were allegedly forced to fund gay rights conferences and other progressive causes because their school union categorized the spending as nonpolitical.
The California Teachers Association (CTA) spent nearly 2.3 million to advance progressive causes between 2013 and 2014. The union allegedly didn’t categorize the spending as political, allowing them to charge members and nonmembers alike, The Daily Signal found Friday. Nonmembers can be charged representation fees but cannot be forced to cover political expenditures.