Union Organizer Elected to Rhode Island School Board
Well, there isn’t much more National Education Association (NEA) teacher union officials can do to take over the South Kingstown, Rhode Island, School Committee. What’ll will be next? All union officials taking over the town council? Go Local Prov News Team and Kate Nagle have the story at golocalprov.com.
Markey, who listed “union organizer” for NEARI on her most recent Ethics Commission filing, said she believes the only issue she will have to recuse herself on is contract and discipline issues, but not schools closures.
But, two different law firms warned the town of South Kingstown that Sarah Markey, who is a union organizer for the National Education Association, will be in near constant conflict as a member of the town’s school committee. She earns more than $166,000 in total compensation annually as an organizer for the union, according to the website unionfacts.com.