And This Woman Wants to Control Education
Randi Weingarten must be spending too much time on an elementary school playground, considering her latest comments. And Randi Weingarten wants to control education reform. . . Randi Weingarten works with Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN) to attempt to give unions a bigger say in education policy across the nation.
After presidential candidate Kamala Harris reads a book to students about the importance of kindness, Randi Weingarten turns around and makes unkind statements about Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. Andy Olesco has the story on
Also in attendance were selected educators from the American Federation of Teachers, or AFT, union, but the children were the center of attention as they listened to Harris read the book “Each Kindness” by Jacqueline Woodson. The book pushes the theme of being kind to others and Harris discussed the concept of empathy with a student.
“I know she’s stupid,” Weingarten added as she rubbed in the fact that Harris had been to more public schools in Michigan in a day than DeVos had in her entire tenure as secretary of education.