Florida Judge Saves Teachers from Bargaining Debacle
A victory for teachers in Leon County occurred when Judge Angela Dempsey upheld the constitutionality of a law mandating teacher unions must be recertified if the number of dues-paying members falls below 50 percent. Florida Education Association teacher union officials are doing everything they can to prevent this from happening. A windfall for them seems to be that these union officials are the ones who REPORT the number of dues-paying members they have to the Public Employee Relations Board. It smells like a fox guarding the hen house. Jim Saunders has the story in the dailycommercial.com.
Judge Angela Dempsey on Friday issued an eight-page decision siding with the state’s arguments on the constitutionality of the law, which can require teacher unions to be recertified to represent employees. Such recertification is required if fewer than 50 percent of the employees eligible for representation are dues-paying members.