Thanks For Signing Up for CEAFU2022!
Thank you for signing up for the Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism CEAFU2022 Conference.
Here is the link to the conference: CEAFU2022 http://ceafu.org/2021/12/01/thanks-for-signing-up-for-ceafu2022/
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DATE: Friday, March 4th 2022
TIME: Noon-3PM (Eastern)
CEAFU2022 is a free online conference provided by The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation special project: The Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism (CEAFU.org).
The annual conference provides valuable information about groups that provide help to independent teachers, recent court rulings, laws, and regulations that may benefit or interfere with the freedom of teachers to choose not be forced to pay to support or be controlled by an unwanted union.
The conference brings together legal professional, education professional, nonunion teacher professional organizations, and other groups that may provide support to teachers and/or nonunion teacher organizations.
We will update the CEAFU2022 Conference as presenters are finalized.
Please invite others to signup for the conference.