Duval Teachers’ Union Raided by FBI and IRS Agents
According to Mike Antonucci, there was a large raid on an education union office in northeast Florida. Jacksonville is home to the Duval Teachers United union. Typically, “united” unions are amalgamations of NEA and AFT union locals.
From Antonucci’s The74 website:
Local news reported that the investigation involves the potential misappropriation of funds. The presence of IRS agents at the raid supports this.
Union officers would not comment but released a statement that read, “We continue to be focused on upholding our mission of supporting our members and the students we serve. We are fully cooperating with authorities and anticipate a full and thorough assessment of the facts. To respect the integrity of the process, we will not discuss any further details.”
News crews spotted prominent Florida criminal defense attorney Hank Coxe at the scene, but he would not reveal the nature of the investigation or whom he was representing.
Mike Antonucci , The74
Monopoly negotiating, also known as collective bargaining, can force teachers to be controlled by unscrupulous union officials or union leaders opposed by teachers. No teacher or employee should be obliged to submit to the wishes of union executives in order for them to be hired or keep a job.
The raid was financial in nature, but it’s important to note that a raid is not evidence that a crime has been committed1. The FBI and IRS were seen removing multiple boxes of material from the building2. The investigation is centered around a potential misappropriation of funds3.