NY Post Op-Ed: Kamala Harris aims to screw workers AND businesses to help Big Labor bosses
In 2016, as attorney general of California, Harris represented the state in briefs at the US Supreme Court argued teachers should be forced to pay dues against their will.
In briefs at the US Supreme Court in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association Harris explicitly conceded: “Unions do have substantial latitude to advance bargaining positions that . . . run counter to the economic interests of some employees.”
Yet, she argued, that shouldn’t stop the government from forcing those employees to pay for that harmful “representation.”
More recently, Harris has embraced labor policy plans that evince a true desire for union-boss domination over both workers and businesses far beyond the destruction of Right to Work.
Quotes from: Kamala Harris aims to screw workers and businesses to help Big Labor Bosses op-ed by National Right to Work president Mark Mix in the New York Post.