Archive for 2012
‘A Classical Liberal Is Justified in Supporting’ Right to Work Laws
Stan Greer, Program Director for the National Institute for Labor Relations Research, reflects on Dr. Charles Baird’s view of Right To Work Laws. Baird’s background both as a teacher and…
Read MoreUnraveling What Happened in Michigan
CEAFU Key Leader Larry Sand sets President Obama and others straight, dispelling one of many union myths about the new Right To Work Law in Michigan. Monopoly, or as union officials call…
Read MoreSchool Board Allows Official Time Leave for Union Officials But Not For Legislators
A Missouri school board sanctions union officials to use so-called “official time,” paid leave from their teaching position to conduct official union business. That means taxpayers are footing the bill…
Read MoreRight to Work Improves Teacher Quality
James Marshall Crotty, Forbes magazine, makes an interesting observation: Because of the alleged audacity of passing a right-to-work law during the lame-duck session of the Michigan legislature, virulent — and…
Read MoreUnion Rep Has Ties to Healthcare and Lucrative Contracts
It’s not what you know, it’s how many close ties you have when you’re a union official. Dave Low, Executive Director of the California School Employees Association, is also in charge…
Read MoreMIX: Democratic Party’s Big Labor backbone
Right to Work top target for union allies By Mark Mix Tuesday, October 9, 2012 As President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden campaign for re-election, they feel compelled…
Read MoreCO Teacher Union Officials Disrupt Proceedings
A growing trend in Colorado has been for school boards and administration to move away from the restraints of monopoly bargaining, taking back the power invested in them by the…
Read MoreContract Allows Illegal Behavior for Teachers
Tolerance for me, but not for Thee. Every parent knows how quick teens are to spot hypocrisy. When teacher union officials insist they are “for the kids,” then turn around…
Read More“Won’t Back Down” Stands up to its Critics
“Won’t Back Down” is a tribute – to hardworking, courageous teachers AND parents everywhere. It is a tribute to everyone who stands up for their convictions and suffers the slings and…
Read MoreSCANLON: Teachers unions will pay for Chicago strike
Capitol Research Director Terrence Scanlon’s hard-hitting analysis of the Chicago teacher strike predicts the event will hurry the demise of teacher unions. He does not mention, however, the fact that teachers…
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