Right to Work States Offer Competitive Pay, Far Superior Job Opportunities For Teachers
Stan Greer of the National Institute for National Institute for Labor Relations Research, has good news for teachers in Right to Work states not mentioned in TeacherPortal. Teachers in Right to Work states are free to join, or refrain from joining, a professional organization of their own choosing. So many Right to Work states offer a professional alternative to union membership, including two national organizations, teachers looking to teach in those states have one more advantage.
One important service offered by TeacherPortal is the Salary Comfort Index (SCI). This ranks the 50 states by first examining their “average [teacher] salaries (both starting and overall) and compar[ing] that to the cost of living.” The #1 rated state according to this metric is the “friendliest to teachers — from a salary perspective.”
A quick perusal of the SCI rankings for the 50 state suffices to show that, contrary to the frequent claims of Big Labor propagandists, there is no positive correlation whatsoever between the permissibility of forced union dues and fees in a state and higher salaries for teachers, once interstate differences for cost of living are taken into account.