Looking for a Teaching Job? Try a Right to Work State
Once again, the population is leaving forced-dues states for the freedom of Right to Work states, especially the under-18 population. It looks like Right to Work states are great places for teachers to find a job, as well as remain free to seek professional representation. Read the study at the National Institute for Labor Relations Research.
U.S. Census Bureau data released last week (see the link above) show that, from 2002 to 2012, as in previous 10-year periods, Right to Work states’ population-growth advantage over forced-unionism states was widest among children aged 17 and under.
In fact, the 27 states that lacked Right to Work laws throughout this period actually saw their “under 18″ population decline from 42.665 million to 41.192 million over the past decade. That amounts to a 3.5% decline. Seventeen of the 27 forced-unionism states had fewer children residing in them in 2012 than 10 years earlier. (Indiana, which became a Right to Work state in early 2012, is excluded.) Whatever other advantages Right to Work states have over forced-unionism states, Census data clearly indicate that vast numbers of parents and prospective parents regard them as places where they can provide better lives for their children.