Michigan Teachers Protest Union Power and Duplicity
The Michigan Education Association has always been one of the most militant teachers unions, but their reign of error over Michigan teachers may be coming to an end. Steeped in the principles laid out in Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals,” Michigan Education Association officials are notorious for orchestrating shutdowns of schools when their outrageous demands are not met. A noted economist and college professor once quipped that the NEA’s drive for power should earn it the sobriquet, “National Extortion Association.”
Teachers in any state wishing to resign their union membership should contact the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation to ensure they have adequate information on resigning.
Chad Selweski explains MEA’s latest scheme for forcing teachers to pay dues, deliberately ignoring the state’s new Right to Work Law. The story is in the newsherald.com
A colossal battle over the state’s new right-to-work law may be launched today as a new state Senate committee seeks evidence that the Michigan Education Association teachers’ union is using strong-arm tactics to skirt the statute, while MEA labor leaders say they are allowed to follow a routine dating to 1973.
The Michigan Senate Compliance and Accountability Committee, created earlier this month largely to act as an MEA watchdog, will hear testimony today from several teachers who say they were blocked from resigning from the union.
At issue for the new Senate panel is an old MEA internal by-law that limits member withdrawals from the union to the month of August, just prior to the start of a new school year. According to the MEA, the right-to-work law presents no restrictions on resignations within a designated time period.