Where Your Dues Dollars Go
The National Education Association (NEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and United Federation of Teachers (UFT) must report financial disclosure statements with the U. S. Department of Labor. This information is available to the public at the Department of Labor’s website. It is difficult to believe teacher union officials are consulting their members before spending their often forced dues on high-end hotels and cars as well as foreign travel. In many states teachers are still forced to pay dues or an agency fee, to support ideas they do not believe in.
If you are one of these many teachers you may wish to contact the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation for free legal advice, at www.nrtw.org, or by calling (800) 336-3600.
Naomi Nix has the story on the74million.org.
Between 2011 and 2014, the country’s largest teachers unions spent more than $5.7 million booking rooms at the world’s poshest hotels and resorts, scoring flights to exotic overseas destinations and traveling back and forth in limos — luxury expenses paid in full by member dues.
Financial documents filed with the U.S. Labor Department by the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the United Federation of Teachers show a penchant for five-star business expenses that are far removed from the $56,000-a-year average teacher’s salary in the U.S. (Labor unions are only required to report expenses above $5,000, according to the department.)