Inimitable Larry Sand “trashes” California’s latest forced-unionism bill.
Larry Sand has once again hit the nail on the head with his scathing review of California’s latest attempt to keep union officials happy. Check out the story in citywatchla.com
Jerry Brown’s ‘Trailer Trash’ Supports Forced Unionism
RIGGING THE RULES-The public employee unions, especially the teacher union variety, are very jittery over the prospect that the Janus case, if successful in the U.S. Supreme Court next year, could free government workers from paying forced dues to a union as a condition of employment. Enter California’s AB 119, a trailer bill, which was signed into law last week. As R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut reminds us, a trailer bill is typically intended “for last minute and non-controversial technical fixes to budget matters.” While, AB 119 was certainly last minute, it is anything but non-controversial.