The Answer to Strikes: Free Teachers from Union Power
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Now that the Janus v. AFSCME case is being decided by the Supreme Court, teacher union officials are dusting off their militant organizing practices and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. This behavior is likely to reduce their membership to those who truly believe in militant action in order to achieve their ends, no matter what the outcome of the Janus v. AFSCME case, brought by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, of which CEAFU is a Special Project.
Those teachers wishing to resign their membership may contact the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation for reliable, free legal advice on their rights with regard to union membership at info@nrtw.org, or (800) 336-3600.
Kevin Boyd takes the subject further in the Federalist.com.
Teachers all over the country are going on strike. They say they want higher salaries and education funding and the tax increases necessary to pay for them. But there’s a bigger motivation underlying the strikes — mobilizing Democrats.
The strikes spread to Kentucky. The next state to experience the wrath of the teachers was Oklahoma. Then they came to Arizona. But that was not good enough for the #RedForEd movement, which is the umbrella group leading the strike. Finally, Colorado has been hit by the teachers’ strikes and protests, which began on April 26. However, due to Colorado’s unique Taxpayer Bill of Rights, Colorado voters must approve any tax increase to increase teacher pay and education funding.
And most importantly, allow teachers the freedom to choose the professional organization they wish to be associated with, and free them from teacher union power and monopoly bargaining.