An Association You Can Count On
Why join WVPE?
We are a professional organization that provides not only liability insurance but expert grievance services, a voice on important education issues in the legislature, representation on key state level committees, important updates and a community of like-minded educators. We do not speak for you until we hear your concerns through periodic surveys. We do not have a set national agenda.
What is the difference between a professional organization and a union?
Professional organizations focus on professional issues and services that help you teach your students. They do not get involved with partisan politics and social issues not directly related to education. Professional organizations believe you should have a choice in whether to join or not join any organization or union.
WVPE dues are much lower than WVEA and AFT. Does that mean less service?
Dues go directly to providing excellent professional services for educators. Our dues are lower because they are not used to support political candidates and/or controversial social issues. No part of our dues are sent to “national level” counterparts. They are also not used to provide chain discounts or offers.