NEA Charter Repeal Could Oust Union’s Political Agendas
The Epoch Times Recently published an article calling out past political ousting of unions, and how the same could happen to the National Education Association (NEA). In the article, they quote National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix in regards to the matter at hand:
Mark Mix, President of the NRTW, told The Epoch Times his organization supports the repeal measure because “the fact that they can say they are chartered by the government is just absolutely an injustice. I mean this is a political organization; they spend more money on politics than they spend on representing their workers.”
Mix also noted that the NEA “gives more money in gifts to radical social groups than they spend on protecting their workers’ rights, and for an organization that relies on compulsion and statutes that take away workers’ rights to associate for themselves, they have no business being chartered by anybody, let alone the federal government.”
You can read the full article by clicking here.
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