Cato Expert Explains the Public Schooling Battle Map
Any teacher, parent, or school board member should visit the CATO Public Schooling Battle Map to see what is coming to school near you, if it isn’t already there.
CEAFU.org June 2023 Lunch Break with CATO’s Neal McCluskey re: Public Schooling Battle Map
Concerned Educators Against Forced Union (CEAFU.org) is pleased to have education law and policy expert Neal McCluskey with us to discuss CATO’s “Public Schooling Battle Map.”
About the map from CATO.org: “This map summarizes a relatively small but particularly painful subset of battles: those involving basic rights, moral values, or individual identity. Think bathrooms and transgender students, books about sex, or race and American history. The conflicts are often intensely personal, and guarantee that if one core value wins, another will lose. Often, these agendas are led by teacher union officials from local and national NEA and AFT offices.
“The goal may be peace and equality, but the outcome is too often the opposite.
“Incidents are continually added. Note that some years contain few conflicts because the Map lists the year a battle began but cataloging only started in the mid‐2000s. Earlier years reflect conflicts that had a new development after data collection commenced. Conflicts are overwhelmingly drawn from media reports.”
“Neal McCluskey is the director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom. He is the author of the book The Fractured Schoolhouse: Reexamining Education for a Free, Equal, and Harmonious Society.”