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SEIU Affiliate BU Residence Life Union Strike Raises Legal Concerns Over “Intermittent” Strikes

Boston University Residence Life Union, an affiliate with SEIU 509, called for a strike on August 31st, marking another disruption during the critical move-in period for thousands of students. This latest action comes just four months after the union held a four-day strike in April, raising significant questions about the legality of what the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) refers to as “intermittent” strikes.

According to the NLRB, intermittent strikes—defined as a pattern where workers strike, return to work, and then strike again—are not protected under labor laws. This legal gray area has sparked concern, as Boston University officials are now investigating whether the union’s actions could fall under this definition. 

The same issue has emerged with BU’s graduate students, who are currently in the midst of their own strike and contract negotiations with the University. Both the RA and graduate student strikes have created uncertainty and disruptions for students and staff, leading to delays in move-in and complications with essential university services.

While unions push forward with their demands, it is important for staff and students to understand that participation in these strikes is voluntary. No worker can be forced to join a strike, and individuals should make informed decisions based on their own circumstances.

For more information on your rights as an employee regarding unions, visit Know Your Rights.

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