Teacher Union Officials Hold Vigils for Disciplined Teachers
While other teacher union officials across the country held demonstrations and protests across the country on Monday, United Teachers of Los Angeles teacher union officials held 4 vigils for teachers who are “housed,” a term used to refer to teachers who are awaiting resolution of allegations of some sort of misconduct.
While teacher union officials often deplore this treatment of their members, it is often stipulated in the monopoly bargaining contract that teachers accused of wrongdoing must be paid and given some sort of “work” to do while awaiting resolution of the allegations against them.
Chase Niesner has the story in laschoolreport.com.
While American Federation of Teachers affiliates are holding a “National Day of Action” today, UTLA is planning four vigils in support of “housed” LA Unified teachers, those caught between allegations of misconduct and final rulings on their employment status.
“The District will not give us data about who’s located where, and it makes it very difficult for UTLA to represent its members,” Fletcher said. “UTLA needs to be a part of this process. We can’t even tell who comes and who goes.”