Archive for 2015
Union Bosses Smear Teachers
Union bosses are demonizing one of their own who has dared to disagree with their policies. Faced with losing billions of dollars at a critical time, union officials, from the…
Read MoreWashington Teacher Union Officials Nix Charter Schools
Strike up one for the teacher union officials in Washington state. And strike one against Washington state students. The decision was made by state supreme court justices who were bought…
Read MoreJuan Williams: Hillary Clinton Betrays Charter Schools
Juan Williams explains Hillary Clinton’s sudden rejection of charter schools in the Hill.My 5-year-old grandson goes to a big city charter school. But Eli and his classmates do not belong to…
Read MoreTeacher Unions Fear Friedrichs’ Outcome
Steve Malanga, in the Wall Street Journal, gives reasons why union officials are running scared as the Supreme Court prepares to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. The case, which could…
Read MoreNew York Union Bullies Student
The United Federation of Teachers (New York state affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers), has bullied a parent and parent group pushing for reform in New York City school…
Read MoreWhat I Saw in the Schools
Sol Stern, Contributing Editor of City Journal and author, reflects upon the damage the teacher union contract brought upon his own sons and fellow students at one of New York City’s “best”…
Read MoreWill Hillary Fill the Bill?
Both the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) teacher union officials have endorsed Hillary Clinton for President in 2016. Their relationship with the Obama Administration has…
Read MoreKentucky School Employees File Lawsuit
The Commonwealth of Kentucky is neither a Right to Work nor forced dues state, so courageous school employees are fighting teacher union officials to return their forced dues dollars. Will Collins has…
Read MoreCalifornia Forced Dues Case Hits Skids
Bain v. CTA has been thrown out by a California judge. The suit sought to allow teachers to belong to a local union, but not be forced to pay dues for…
Read MoreNo More Forced Unionism?
Teacher union expert Mike Antonucci speculates on what life will be like for teacher unions if Friedrichs v. CTA voids forced dues for teachers, and ends forced unionism, in EducationNext. The case is built upon…
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