
Forbes: NEA – “The National Extortion Association”
“. . . quit talking about letting kids escape. . . . “ —Keith Geiger,...

Democracy — NEA Convention-Style
Ian Tuttle of the Corner, National Review Online, reports on conservative NEA members’ puerile treatment by Democrat...

Education Reform and Teacher Unions
The Coeur d’Alene Press editorial asks the question: What do Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Carolina and Georgia...

Teacher Union Officials Bury Themselves Going “In For the Kill” of Popular Teacher Union Critic
Simon Campbell, a popular teacher union critic, school board member and Executive Director of,...

NEA and AFT Political Spending Revealed
In this revealing story about teacher union political spending, reporter Alicia Mundy reveals the millions...

Colorado School District Severs Relationship with AFT
Perhaps the most egregious aspect of this story is the quote from Brenda Smith, head...

Mike Antonucci Looks at Membership Numbers After Officials “. . .Tried Every Tactic Imaginable”
Mike Antonucci Looks at Membership Numbers After Officials “. . .Tried Every Tactic Imaginable” NEA had a...

Nevada NEA Steamed When Members Learned They Can Drop Union Dues
Knowledge of right to choose infuriates Nevada NEA Union Bosses. Union bosses throw tantrums when they learned...